
Industry4Europe, a coalition of 149 sector Associations representing the diversity of the EU’s industrial base, today published its new Joint Paper ‘A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future: from words to action’. Through cross-sectoral recommendations, the Industry4Europe coalition contributes to the future EU industrial strategy announced by European Commission President-Elect Ursula von der Leyen.

MOnitoring Recyclates for Europe (MORE) — the single, unified online tool to monitor the uptake of recycled polymers into products — is now available for use by converters in the United Kingdom (UK).  MORE is designed to monitor and register the industry’s efforts to reach the EU target of 10 million tonnes of recycled polymers being used annually between 2025 and 2030.

During a meeting held in Düsseldorf at the K trade show, the three Presidents of the European plastics industry associations, Renato Zelcher (European Plastics Converters), Javier Constante (PlasticsEurope) and Ton Emans (Plastic Recyclers Europe), agreed to oppose the Italian Government’s tax proposal of 1000 € per ton of plastic packaging.

Press Release 7/10/2019 --- The European Commission is still proposing to EU Member States the introduction of a national contribution based on unrecycled plastics packaging for the period 2021 – 2027.
