Ron Marsh, Chairman of the Polymers for Europe Alliance
The rating tool is easy to understand, extremely user-friendly and provided in several languages in order to reach as many polymer users in Europe as possible. In case you do not yet have an account on the Polymers for Europe Alliance, you can register for free here: to get your exclusive access to the rating tool.
Awards Ceremony during EuPC Gala Dinner
The winners will be exclusively announced at the Awards Ceremony that will take place during the Gala Dinner of the EuPC (European Plastics Converters) Annual Meeting in Milan on the 24th May 2018.
How does the Awards voting work?
Once you have accessed the rating tool, you can choose your suppliers in each of the 9 different polymer type categories HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, PC, PET, PP, PS, PVC and ABS. Once selected, you can then rate them according to the 5 criteria Delivery Reliability, Polymer Quality, Regulatory Compliance, Communication and Innovation.
Based on the average of the incoming ratings, the best European polymer suppliers per polymer type will be awarded. Furthermore, a 10th overarching award on Polymer Quality, covering all polymer types, will be made.

For more information contact Felix Miessen via