REACH workshop: Plastics Industry State of Play with practical examples

17/03/2016 - 09:00

What are the key learnings derived from past challenges such as authorisation, registrations or dossier preparation brought on by REACH?

On 17 and 18 March 2016, the European Plastic Converters Association (EuPC), with support from Polymer Comply Europe (PCE), will look at the challenges of REACH and present practical solutions and how to tackle the next steps.


The conference will
  • will bring together participants from whole plastic industry chain together with policy makers or association representatives
  • delve into the complexities around the registration of certain substances in REACH
  • present an industry chain developed tool for standardised Chemical Safety Assessment and Exposure Scenarios Generation
  • investigate the link between REACH, the circular economy and the European Commission
  • analyse Risk Management options for substances and explore practical examples.

On the first day Bjorn Hansen, Head of Unit Chemicals, DG ENVI will share the knowledge on Recycling in a circular economy, the link with REACH. Klaus Berend, Head of Unit REACH, DG Grow will present on the second day a presentation on Implementation of REACH in a streamlined way.
A networking cocktail will also be held on 17th March 2016.


To see full programme click here.


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