Welcome to the rating platform for the Polymer Producers Assessment for Europe!
As a member of the Polymers for Europe Alliance, you have the opportunity to rate your polymer suppliers regarding their performance during the past 12 months.
If you are not a member, register here: www.polymercomplyeurope.eu/node/210/register
The Polymers for Europe Alliance has decided that this year's criteria is decarbonisation.
The rating tool is easy to understand and to use, it is provided in several languages and it won't take you more than 5 minutes to rate your supplier.
The voting is open from the 15th of February to the 30th of May 2024.
The objective of the Polymer Producers Assessment for Europe is to re-establish a constructive dialogue and a good relationship as well as communication between the suppliers and the users of polymers.
Awards Ceremony during EuPC Networking Dinner
The 2023 results will be announced during the EuPC networking dinner event which will take place in Brussels (Belgium) on the 11-12 of June 2024 at the BluePoint Convention Centre, Boulevard Auguste Reyers, 80, 1030.
To enter the rating tool, please click on the continue button below:
If you have questions, please contact PCE via
Presentation on the Best Polymer Suppliers Awards for Europe: